Amazing Balsamic Brussel Sprouts

I know a lot of people hear Brussel sprouts and run for the hills but they are so yummy and so good for you!

No matter if you have always loved, only tried a few times or never tried Brussel sprouts you need to give this a try.

You have probably figured out that even though I love to cook I’m really into things that are easy! Hey I have 2 young kids and trying to get dinner going and on the table by the time my Husband gets home from work is not always the easiest thing in the world. It is actually usually more of a battle. So I try to do things that have steps that take no more than 5 mins so I can walk away at any time, but are still packed full of flavor!
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What to expect…

Whats the point? The reason(s) I’m here talking for all to see…

I will talk about my kids A LOT! The happy times and stressful times. You’ll get it all.

Cooking- I am Gluten Intolerant and on a Gluten Free diet. My daughter Giada has an intolerance to dairy. For that reason and others I will get into later I have her on a Gluten Free and Casein Free diet. I plan to share favorite recipes and products. With dietary restrictions like this I know there will be times I will try something that doesn’t work. Ill share that too.

Organization- with a busy life, organization is the key. I use to call myself the most unorganized organized person ever but over the years and after the birth of each of my children my type A personality has little by little gone into overdrive. And dare I say it is my OCD side and anal retentive side that keeps my home in 1 piece.

Cleaning- having 2 kids (ages 3.5 and 1.5), a husband and a dog cleaning is an every hour thing.

Being Crafty- since becoming a Stay at Home Mom I have started to try and reach the crafty side of my personality… Making tutus for my daughter, projects for my son, DYI for the house and so on.

Weight loss- I have recently lost a bunch of weight. 51 lbs in the last few months, 60 lbs from my all time high. I will continue to document my weight loss here and Twitter.

And much much more.

Family Picture- Sept 2012